normal distribution law

英 [ˈnɔːml ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn lɔː] 美 [ˈnɔːrml ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn lɔː]




  1. By taking notice of the normal distribution law of cotton fibers'length, the result of mixing ratio is optimum. A practical example is given for readers.
  2. The Normal Distribution Law of the accidental Errors Simulated by Computer
  3. The governing equations and calculation formulas of normal stress distribution on the inner cylinder were given in bipolar coordinate system when power law fluid flows in annulus with the inner cylinder executing a planetary motion.
  4. The paper points out that the finish error of blades does not conform to normal distribution law, hence the error probability distribution function is derived for this specific process.
  5. It was proved that the size distribution obeys log normal distribution law.
  6. This paper points out that the electrochemical noise obey logarithmic normal distribution and inverse power law, and the electrochemical noise is caused by the systematic complex.
  7. The structural strength and the load acting on the missile are subordinate to the normal distribution law.
  8. The steady-state parameters are calculated by the steady-state data, furthermore, by the statistics of d-axis synchronous reactance, a rule that the synchronous reactance values obey the normal distribution law when the motor is steadily operated is found.